Welcome To Kindergarten
Hello future Trinity Leadership family!! Can we first tell you that we are so excited about the chance to count you among the thousands of students who call our school home! You are about to discover what so many parents have already found out about us. That Trinity Leadership is a safe, educational, Leader-In-Me, fun place to be! Our vision is to see students at all ages thrive!
What an exciting time it is! Students in Kindergarten are discovering more about the world around them and diving into the fundamentals of Math, Reading, Science exploration and all that encompasses the neat world of Social Studies.
Kindergarten at Trinity Leadership will set your child up for success as they go beyond the Kinder classroom and grow from First Grade all the way through High School Graduation.
Mastering The Foundation | Curriculum Resources
Our classrooms are filled with engaging elements that combine technology with hands-on learning. We pride ourselves in seeing a high percentage of our Kindergarten students transform each day and exceed State Standards year-over-year.
Classes and Activities |
Mathematics • Science • Reading • Writing • Comprehension
Social Studies • Physical Education • Leadership • Music
Really Great Reading (Phonics Program ) |
Provides educators with the tools and knowledge to teach all students (not just those who learn easily) to read. Really Great Reading makes assessment and grouping practical, efficient and accurate. Our approach to reading instruction is research-based, interactive, explicit, structured, and multisensory. In our lessons, students not only learn to read, but enjoy the intelligent learning process.
Eureka Math |
A comprehensive mathematics program that builds on strategies that support deep, long-term mastery of the content and skills taught. The program emphasizes Essential Questions and Big Ideas with depth of understanding as the goal.
The Classroom Experience |
- “Morning Meeting” Time: Children experience a sense of belonging, practice communication skills, and are introduced to new concepts and materials through strategies such as shared reading and writing, calendar math and group discussion.
- Whole-Group Lessons: We know that some skills and concepts need to be taught to the whole group together, followed by the opportunity for independent practice while the teacher visits students at their tables.
- Read-Aloud: Children learn about each component of literacy as they listen to and discuss high-interest texts related to units of study.
- Learning Centers: Development is supported through hands-on exploration of important literacy and mathematics concepts while a teacher circulates to monitor and further learning.
- Small Groups: Teachers provide lessons to small groups that reinforce essential skills, and reteach or enrich as necessary.
- Snack and Lunch Time: Children practice self-care routines, help distribute materials and clean up, and enjoy time to socialize.
- Outdoor Play: All areas of development are supported as children explore and play on the playground.
- Kindergarten Electives/”Specials” | Library, Music, Art, Physical Education (P.E), and Library.