Socioeconomic Information For Texas Leadership


Hey Eagle Families, if you are excited about no cost meals this year, we invite you to fill out the new Socioeconomic Information Form this Wednesday, September 1, 2021. It will be sent to your email with a link to fill out a few questions and will only take minutes to complete.

We are asking that every household complete the new Socioeconomic Information Form, regardless of income status, so that our school can continue receiving Title I funding, which directly impacts our campuses and students throughout the district.

Please note that if you have multiple students, you will receive one email per student. One form should be submitted for each student no later than September 10, 2021.


Serina Marturano                                                         or                                   Lola Ojeda

District Food Service Coordinator                                                                    Administrative Assistant                                                              

325-653-3200 ext. 7023                                                                                     325-653-3200 ext. 7117



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